Unleashing the Power of Creative QR Code Design

Looking for tools to help you create and track the success of your QR codes? Check out these 4 complementary resources: Canva for designing visually appealing QR codes with a variety of templates and features; Pexels for finding high-quality, royalty-free images to include in your QR code designs; SurveyMonkey for gathering feedback from customers via QR code-linked forms; and Bit.ly for creating and tracking shortened URLs for your QR codes. These tools will help you take your QR code marketing to the next level and get the most out of your QR code campaigns.

1. Canva

If you want to create a creative and visually appealing QR code design, Canva is an excellent tool to consider. This easy-to-use design platform offers a variety of templates and features to help you promote your business and create a wide range of marketing materials, including social media images, banners, flyers, business cards, presentations, and more. Whether you need a ready-made template or want to start from scratch, Canva has you covered. And with a premium Canva Pro account, you can even link your social media accounts and publish your marketing graphics directly from the platform. Please note that the Canva Pro has a monthly cost, but a free trial is available.

2. Pexels

If you want to add a visually appealing and royalty-free image to your QR code, Pexels is a great resource to consider. This platform offers a high-quality repository of free images that are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. All images are well-tagged and searchable, making it easy to find the perfect image for your QR code. Just be sure to read and understand the license on the site before downloading any content to ensure that it meets your usage needs.

3. SurveyMonkey

Want to gather valuable feedback from your customers? Consider creating a QR code that leads to a feedback form. This is a great way to get straight to the source – your audience – and understand what they want and need. Surveys are a powerful tool for gathering important information from customers, such as feedback on new products or thoughts on the service you provide. By using this information to improve your business and brand perception, you can better serve your customers and drive success.

4. Bit.ly

If you have read the previous section and linked the QR code to the form, and even if you have not, you will probably want to know how many times the QR code has been scanned.

Tracking the success of your QR codes is important, and there are a few different ways to do it. If you’ve linked your QR code to a form or web page, you can use tools like Google Analytics to see how many times the page has been accessed. But what if you want to track the success of your QR code from multiple sources? One option is to use a unique URL, but an easier solution is to use a URL shortening service like Bit.ly. By creating a shortened URL with Bit.ly and adding it to your QR code, you can track how many times the code has been scanned and accessed the unique link created in Bit.ly. With a free Bit.ly account, you can create and track up to 100 links per month.

Please note: ALWAYS test the QR code carefully before distribution!

Good Luck!